22 December 2023

Lab Chat

Dubai Municipality has revealed that it is using robots to enhance the accuracy and increase the efficiency of its material testing process. Dubai Central Laboratory, which is tasked with carrying out such tests, is deploying robots equipped with X-rays, AI capabilities and other advanced technologies in order to upgrade its modus operandi.

What with recent scandals of flammable cladding and...


15 December 2023

Enviro Chat

The Emirati renewable energy company Masdar has become one of three new members to join the Hydrogen Council. With climate change and global warming among the most pressing issues facing the human race today, switching to more environmentally friendly sources of energy is crucial. Hydrogen can form a key part of this process.

With that in mind, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (better kno...


11 December 2023

Enviro Chat

It is believed that the global population will exceed 9.8 billion by 2050, representing almost a 20% increase from the number of people sharing the planet today. Of course, an increase in population will necessitate a greater yield in food production, which can most effectively be achieved by optimising agricultural methods and implementing technological solutions.

Vertical farming is one su...

What Exactly is a COP Conference?

08 December 2023

Lab Chat

COP28 – or the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to give it its full title – is already in full swing. This year, the event kicked off on 30th November in Dubai and will continue for a fortnight until the 12th of December 2023.

Over 70,000 people from almost 200 countries around the globe are expected to attend the conference over...

Can schools’ Indoor AIR QUALITY be improved?

04 December 2023

Enviro Chat

Given that children’s lungs are still developing and therefore more susceptible to contamination from air pollution, it makes sense to ensure that the indoor environments in which they spend the majority of their week is free from contaminants. As such, the indoor air quality (IAQ) in Emirati schools should be among the cleanest in the country.

Of course, this unfortunately has not always be...

How can data help with Agriculture?

01 December 2023

Enviro Chat

If scientific projections are correct, the global population will reach 10 billion by 2050. That will necessitate a 56% shortfall in food production and a 593-million-hectare land deficit in comparison to 2010 if growth continues only on a “business as usual” trajectory.

Clearly, much work is needed to ensure that everyone on Earth has enough food to eat in the coming decades – and data can ...


29 November 2023

Lab Design

SmithGroup’s Kornberg Center, Promega Corporation wins the 2023 High Honors Award for Sustainability

Columbia, SC — The 2023 SEFA Lab of the Year Award was announced on November 2nd, 2023 at SEFA’s Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. The two finalists for the 2023 SEFA Lab of the Year Award gave presentations showcasing their stunning lab projects. Once both finalists presented, the judges f...


28 November 2023

Lab Design

Ennead Architects’ Sarafan ChEM-H and Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford University wins the 2023 SEFA Lab of the Year Award

Columbia, SC — The 2023 SEFA Lab of the Year Award was announced on November 2nd, 2023 at SEFA’s Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. The two finalists for the 2023 SEFA Lab of the Year Award gave presentations showcasing their stunning lab projects. Once both ...

How can ROBOTS assist with a Kidney Transplant?

27 November 2023

Lab Chat

The UAE broke new medical ground again last month, as the Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi witnessed the first robot-assisted kidney surgeries in the country’s history. The futuristic operations took place in late October to facilitate transplants for three Emirati patients with end-stage renal illness.

The milestone was achieved with the support of American experts in the field from the Clevel...

16 New Synthetic Drugs discovered by DUBAI POLICE

24 November 2023

Lab Chat

The specialists at Dubai Police were responsible for identifying 16 new synthetic drug varieties in 2022, it has been revealed. The positive announcement was made at the end of last month by the force’s Director of its Forensic Evidence and Criminology department, who reiterated his commitment to keeping pace with all the latest developments in the field.

The discoveries are attributed to th...

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