Why is the UAE sending Palm Trees into SPACE?

29 August 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE has successfully sent a package containing palm tree seeds to the International Space Station (ISS) as the first phase of its plan to experiment whether the hardy plant can germinate in orbit. The payload arrived by the rocket Falcon 9, which was launched last month from Space X at Cape Canaveral in Florida, USA./p>

Dubbed ‘Palm in Space’, the project has been timed to coincide with ...

What causes LUNG CANCER?

26 August 2019

Lab Chat

90% of lung cancer diagnoses in the UAE are caused by smoking, according to the official cancer portal of the national government. However, given that a significant proportion of Emirati youths smoke heavily, and that a mere 150 new cases of lung cancer are identified in the country every year, experts believe that many sufferers are unaware that they might carry the disease.

“Nearly 50% of ...

Firms collaborate on F.E.E.D Offshore Project

22 August 2019

Lab Chat

A UK firm will collaborate with Al Yasat Petroleum, an offshoot of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), to undertake early design work on an offshore oil project in the Middle Eastern country’s territory. The Emirati subsidiary awarded the contract to Petrofac JV to carry out the front-end engineering design (FEED) part of the project.

Petrofac will now put together and submit a FEED ...

Can you tow an ICEBERG from ANTARTICA?

19 August 2019

Lab Chat

An Emirati businessman has raised eyebrows all over the globe through his ambitious scheme to tow an entire iceberg from Antarctica to the UAE. The grandiose project has been dismissed by some sceptics as “fantasy” and by the UAE government as nothing more than “a rumour”, but Abdulla Alshehi insists it is viable.

Rather than being a vanity project, the idea is actually rooted in environment...

Can you prevent MIGRAINES?

15 August 2019

Lab Chat

Chronic migraines afflict approximately 15% of the population and are up to three times more prevalent in females than males. This is chiefly due to the hormonal imbalances which women are subjected to and, along with fatigue, hunger, sleep deprivation and stress, can serve as a trigger for a migraine episode.

While a cure for migraines still eludes medical scientists, preventive treatment a...

What fuels are “UAE RESIDENTS” searching for?

31 July 2019

Lab Chat

Digital marketing suite SEMrush have published a study which demonstrates that UAE residents are showing a growing interest in environmentally-friendly sources of energy. According to an analysis of 11 fuel-related search terms over the last three years, Emiratis are most commonly searching for electricity online, pointing to the rising uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country.


What Chemicals does “BLACK HENNA” contain?

25 July 2019

Chem Chat

For centuries, henna has been used as a natural dye to tint skin, fingernails and hair, as well as different kinds of fabrics and materials. In its natural form, henna is made from the henna plant, known as Lawsonia inermis in Latin, and has no unwanted side effects.

However, over recent years there has surfaced a growing market for “black henna”, which is not created solely with the henna p...

UAE launches the world’s biggest “SINGLE SOLAR FARM”

18 July 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE may have built its wealth upon the vast reserves of oil beneath its territory, but it is doing its utmost to diversify the country’s economy and energy supplies away from fossil fuels. That much is certainly clear with the launch of Noor Abu Dhabi, the largest single solar farm of its kind in the world, which started operations at the beginning of the month. The farm has a maximum capac...

Do “SUNSCREEN CHEMICALS” get into your blood

14 July 2019

Chem Chat

The chemicals used in sunscreen and sun-tan lotion could be infiltrating our bloodstream, according to a new study from the Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research, which operates under the umbrella of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The researchers discovered that four different chemicals found in four commercially available sunscreens were present in levels above the government thr...

More UAE businesses commit to “BANNING SINGLE USE PLASTIC”

11 July 2019

Lab Chat

Dubai Airports is the latest business to commit to outlawing single-use plastic in its premises, joining a growing number of UAE companies which are taking a stand against plastic pollution. The firm, which manages both Al Maktoum International Airport and Dubai International Airport, revealed last month that it would be banning items such as shopping bags and cutlery made from plastic from the...

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