Is the UAE increasing OIL PRODUCTION?

01 April 2024

Chem Chat

The UAE has announced it will increase investment into expanding its oil production capacity in line with meeting its 2027 targets. As well as exploring untapped reserves in new locations throughout the Emirates, this expansion will also involve the development of midstream and downstream infrastructure, with one eye on accommodating the aforementioned growth in capacity.

However, this does ...


29 March 2024

Lab Chat

The fields of medicine and healthcare have witnessed monumental advances in recent decades. Technological developments and scientific breakthroughs have meant that we are now able to understand, diagnose and treat – and even prevent – many diseases far more effectively than we could even 20 or 30 years ago.

Nonetheless, conventional medicine still broadly follows a one-size-fits-all template...

How is the UAE stepping up MANGROVE PLANTING?

22 March 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE’s 44th Planting Week saw the government launch a week-long campaign to plant an additional 50,000 mangrove trees in the country. The initiative, entitled “Together, Let’s Plant the UAE”, ran from the 26th of February to 3rd of March and encompassed a wide range of different social groups from all emirates of the UAE.

Mangrove trees play a crucial role as a natural solution in mitigat...


18 March 2024

Lab Chat

The Dubai Central Laboratory in the UAE has announced it has employed a new food screening and analysis system which can detect the presence of pork in test samples. The advanced technology is capable of processing as many as 100 tests per hour and can deliver accurate results within 24 hours of the test taking place.

Indeed, the new system is around 100 times more efficient than conventiona...


15 March 2024

Enviro Chat

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is the state-affiliated oil and gas company of the UAE, has announced it will step up decarbonisation efforts over the next six years by ploughing more money into relevant research and development projects.

The company’s board, which includes several prominent politicians and decision-makers in the country, gave the greenlight to increase inv...

How does the GHAF TREE thrive in the challenging UAE Environment?

11 March 2024

Enviro Chat

With its arid landscape, scorching heat and minimal rainfall, the UAE in particular and the Middle East in general is an inhospitable climate for most flora and fauna. Nonetheless, there are certain plants and animals which have specially adapted to not only withstand but even thrive in such conditions. The humble ghaf tree is one such specimen.

Named the National Tree of the UAE in 2008, th...

Could ROBOTICS save a Species?

08 March 2024

Enviro Chat

The humble houbara bustard bird is under threat. As one of the favoured meals of birds of prey such as falcons, the houbara has been hounded to near-extinction by rampant cross-border smuggling by falconers. It was once found across North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia, but its numbers have been dwindling for decades.

Conscious of this concerning state of affairs, the UAE gov...

What is a GIGAFARM?

04 March 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE made global headlines at the close of last year when it announced it would be building a closed loop ‘Gigafarm’ at Dubai’s FoodTech Valley. Working in collaboration with Scottish vertical farming specialists Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS), the UAE will build a landmark farm capable of producing two billion plants per year from minimal resources.

What’s more, the farm will use car...


01 March 2024

Enviro Chat

This year saw the inaugural International Day of Clean Energy take place on January 26th, as nations around the world took the opportunity to showcase their contributions towards a more sustainable future for us all. The initiative was announced in August of last year, after significant efforts by the UAE and others to bring the day into being.

To mark its occurrence, the Emirati government ...

How do ROBOTS assist with surgery to remove Cancerous Lymph Nodes?

26 February 2024

Lab Chat

Over recent decades, medical care has thankfully advanced to the point where many types of cancer are now treatable if caught early enough. Nonetheless, the process of effectively diagnosing and then treating the disease is not without its risks, as patients can be susceptible to infection, nerve damage or other unwanted outcomes. These risks are only exacerbated when dealing with older or more...

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