How does the COVID-19 Saliva Test work?

09 December 2020

Lab Chat

Last month, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) announced it is launching a new COVID-19 diagnosis test, capable of returning accurate results within a maximum of 24 hours using only a saliva sample. The test is now available to anyone at a price of AED 150 (€34) across all DHA facilities in the emirate.

Aimed at children between the ages of three and 16 years old, the test is less invasive tha...

DUBAI is ready to welcome back the “WORLD OF SCIENCE & CHEMICALS"

01 December 2020

Lab Chat



The Organisers of ARABLAB+ 2021 have rescheduled the exhibition dates to now take place on 15 – 17 NOVEMBER 2021.

Dubai does provide a very safe and secure venue for the Exhibition.

However, the current travel restrictions applying to many countries from which exhibitors and visitors originate, are preventing many participants from making their travel plans.


How will OPEC stop prices plummeting?

22 November 2020

Chem Chat

The Secretary General of the Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries + (OPEC+) has indicated that the alliance is fully prepared to take all necessary actions to ensure that oil prices do not plummet steeply once more. Every industry has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic to some extent, but with energy demand slumping, the fossil fuels sector has been harder hit than most.

However, M...

How can SAND reduce WATER use?

22 November 2020

Enviro Chat

In a country like the UAE, water scarcity is a real concern. Due to its sizzling temperatures and dry climate, there is barely enough water in the Emirates for the personal use of its citizens and the cultivation of its agricultural crops, let alone for the purposes of gardening or landscaping.

With that difficulty in mind, environmentalist and entrepreneur Chandra Dake has launched “Breatha...


18 November 2020

Enviro Chat

One silver lining incurred by the coronavirus pandemic is the catalysing effect it has had on many people’s attitudes towards the environment and how their own daily habits can impact upon it. As well as prompting individuals to reassess their daily routine, it has also encouraged governments to plough a more sustainable furrow.

The UAE is a case in point. At present, the country is forced t...

How is the UAE treating COVID-19?

15 November 2020

Lab Chat

Our knowledge of coronavirus continues to grow with each passing day. At the beginning of the outbreak, doctors in the UAE and abroad were trying everything they could to counter the symptoms and stem the spread of the disease, but 10 months on, medical expertise surrounding the subject has come a long way.

By observing the efficacy of different treatment plans and sharing their experiences ...

Could the UAE pipe oil to EUROPE?

11 November 2020

Chem Chat

The UAE has opened talks with Israel over the use of a pipeline in the latter region, the operations of which remain classified. The Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline originates on the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea and terminates at Ashkelon on the Mediterranean Sea, thus making it an ideal route for oil from Asia to Europe.

Although it is early days in the discussions, the accord could represent a hug...

How is the Pandemic affecting MENTAL HEALTH?

08 November 2020

Lab Chat

A hotline set up to help people cope with the psychological fallout from COVID-19 has received well over 700 calls since its inception, indicating that the pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health. With social interactions reduced to a minimum and many people confined to their homes for weeks or months on end, it’s little surprise that hundreds of Emiratis were feeling the strain....

How can Airlines promote SUSTAINABILITY?

05 November 2020

Enviro Chat

Globally, the aviation industry is responsible for approximately 2% of all anthropogenic carbon emissions, meaning its environmental footprint is not a negligible one. However, airline companies have become increasingly conscious of the role they must play in curbing their emissions and helping to care for our ailing planet.

Etihad Airways, the UAE-based airline, are leading by example in th...

Are the UAE COASTAL WATERS at risk?

02 November 2020

Enviro Chat

As one of the world’s busiest and most strategic maritime junctions, the Strait of Hormuz understandably sees a high amount of shipping traffic each and every day. This passage is integral not only to maintaining the Emirati economy, but also to ensuring that global supplies of oil remain adequate to meet demand.

However, there are downsides to such prolific activity. The vessel traffic caus...

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