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11 March 2020

Lab Chat

Analytical Innovation 2020

Hear the latest updates from ArabLab+ from the comfort of your desk

With concerns due to the current coronavirus outbreak, many companies and institutes are imposing travel restrictions and several major conferences and exhibitions have already been postponed or cancelled. This year’s ArabLab+ in Dubai, UAE is one of those affected.

The situation is changing daily but we know you still need access to the latest information on advances in applications and technology. To meet that need, we are are providing a series of virtual events and webinars to bring this science directly to your desk without requiring you to travel.

Join our ArabLab+ webinars, bringing you all the latest updates from the fields of chromatography and mass spectrometry in the FoodLab, EnviroLab and Clinical Research Lab.

 Learn more, register now 


Thinking about exhibiting at ARABLAB 2024? Watch our video to find out more.

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  • Spectaris
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