How fast is the UAE VACCINATING its population?

11 March 2021

Lab Chat

The UAE has earned international plaudits for the speed and efficiency with which it has rolled out its vaccination programme. At the time of writing, the UAE had given 63.04% of its population at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine, meaning that it’s second only to Israel in terms of vaccinations per capita.

A spokesperson for the Emirati medical community said that the quick thinking of the UAE government, along with the diligence and compliance of its populace, were the main reasons why the UAE had performed so admirably thus far. If it continues on the same track that it has followed to date, the Arab nation will become one of the first in the whole world to inoculate its entire population and achieve herd immunity.

Top of the pile

According to statistics collected by global research firm Our World in Data, the UAE has administered vaccines to over 63% of its adult population. That translates to more than six million doses of the vaccine to date, meaning only Israel has been more efficient in its distribution of the vaccine.

Due to its small geographical area and rapid deployment of approved vaccines, Israel has thus far inoculated an impressive 98.94% of its relevant population. The UAE’s 63.04% is some way behind that trailblazing figure, but still streets ahead of its nearest competitors. The UK is in third place with 32.99%, while the USA (25.42%) and Chile (23.89%) round out the top five.

Impressive efficiency

According to Fouad Al-Rahal, an emergency medical specialist at Bareen International Hospital in Abu Dhabi, the strong performance is down to the government’s robust policies and the public’s ready adoption of them.

“With the dedicated effort of the UAE government to combat the pandemic – for which we are truly thankful for, and the willingness of the general public to support the programs led by the government, UAE may soon be the first country to vaccinate its entire population and hence, reach herd immunity,” he explained.

Not over yet

While the statistics certainly make for encouraging reading, the public are warned that the virus is not yet vanquished completely. Inoculating the population is a key step towards ensuring it cannot be spread so quickly or easily as it was in the early stages of the pandemic, but new strains of the disease are emerging all the time and must be monitored closely.

What’s more, there are also suggestions that diet can effect vaccine efficacy, with those suffering from obesity less likely to benefit from its protective effects. That’s because the body’s immune system is not able to divert all of its energy towards building up a resistance to the disease due to the extra kilos being carried. Given that obesity has long been a problem in the Emirates, its populace is encouraged to try and improve their lifestyle in the weeks running up to and following their inoculation, since even short-term changes can yield significant benefits.


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