Could the average LIFE SPAN reach 101?

21 November 2022

Lab Chat

At the present time, the average human being dies at 76 years old. But what if they could add an extra quarter of a century to their lifespan? Not just 25 more years of living, but 25 years of health, vitality and fun. That’s the aim of the biggest medical group in the UAE, Pure Health, who are targeting an average life expectancy of 101 for everyone in the world.

To achieve that ambitious goal, the company is planning to leverage science and technology to uncover strategies that will help each individual live longer. Those strategies would combine a mixture of lifestyle changes, early detection of diseases and issues, personalised coaching and advanced pharmaceuticals.

A hypothetical case study

In order to communicate their vision more effectively, Pure Health’s CEO Farham Malik and its COO Shaista Asif used a hypothetical case study of an imaginary patient named Ahmed at a packed conference at the Louvre Abu Dhabi last month. Throughout Ahmed’s life, he receives regular check-ups from his doctors, who create a “digital twin” based upon his unique attributes and characteristics.

This digital twin is used to experiment with different medical and therapeutic approaches to the various health complications he faces throughout his life, including a car crash, hair loss, cancer contraction and depression. This means that when they prescribe a course of action, they’re not simply guessing or feeling in the dark, but rather basing their judgements upon AI-based analytics. As a result, Ahmed is able to enjoy an active lifestyle until his death at age 101, despite his various problems along the way.

Collaboration is key

Malik and Asif were keen to accentuate how such an approach will only work if all the various medical forces in the country – GPs, hospitals, therapists and rehabilitation centres – are all pulling in the same direction. For that to happen, all of the vast reams of data that are gathered about Ahmed throughout his lifetime must be stored in a single, centralised database to make collaboration that much easier.

Thanks to its merger with the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) and the National Health Insurance Company (DAMAN), Pure Health is well on the way to making such a centralised database a reality. It currently owns 28 hospitals, 100 healthcare clinics and over 160 scientific laboratories throughout the Emirates.

A universal right

It is the overriding objective of Pure Health to make top-notch healthcare accessible to all, regardless of income or social status. “Healthcare is a human right for everybody. It should not be for the one who has a monetary dollar value in their hand,” explained Malik. “Just like education should be democratised, housing or shelter democratised… health care has to be available for everybody.”

Indeed, that applies to the entirety of the human race, not just those living in the UAE. In time, Malik and Asif hope that their efforts will transform the country into a hub of longevity and health, where people from all over the globe emigrate to extend their lives and live amongst beauty, tranquillity and prosperity.


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