Can the “UAE LONGEVITY LAB” help people to live to 100"

26 September 2023

Lab Chat

In the UK, those members of the population who reach the age of 100 years are rewarded for their resilience with a birthday message from the monarch. This practice testifies to the extraordinariness of a century-long lifespan in one of the most developed countries in the world and globally, just 0.004% of the population makes it to 100 years.

Now, however, a new “longevity lab” is aiming to make this type of anomaly more commonplace. Fivescore Labs, co-founded by scientists trained at Harvard University and headquartered in the UAE, is focusing on nutritional supplements and lifestyle protocols in order to extend the lifespan of the country’s residents – and improve their quality of life while they’re alive.

Setting goals

As recently as 2016, just 1% of the Emirati population was listed as 60 years of age or more. However, the government has made a concerted effort to raise awareness around a healthy lifestyle and the success of these campaigns, alongside advances of healthcare and medicine, mean that it’s likely that figure will rise to at least 16% by 2050.

Fivescore Labs are not satisfied with such progress. Instead, they’re setting their sights on Emiratis regularly reaching and exceeding the age of 100. “We believe it is now critical to raise public awareness around issues related to aging science and improving all aspects of healthspan and lifespan,” explained Al Tariq, founder of the company. “This has been the motivation behind establishing Fivescore Labs.”

A two-pronged approach

Fivescore Labs aim to achieve that ambitious target via a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, they advise their customers to tweak their lifestyle choices to improve their diet, partake in regular exercise, enhance their sleep cycle and reduce their experience of stress. Implementing these changes will not only add years to a person’s life, but can also improve their enjoyment of those years, too.

Secondly, Fivescore Labs champion the use of nutritional supplements to bolster the body’s natural defences and regeneration mechanisms. In particular, they administer their customers with resveratrol (found naturally in some plants as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent) and nicotinamide nononucleotide (NMN) (a precursor to NAD+, which regulates metabolism and helps repair damaged DNA).

Zeroing in on cellular health

The overarching aims of this bifurcate approach are to treat the effects of ageing at their root cause: namely, the health of individual cells. As NAD+ levels in the body decline over time, cell health deteriorates, leading to a plethora of unwanted conditions such as neurogenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, reduced energy and premature death.

Therefore, Fivescore Labs believe that bolstering cellular health (through improved NAD+ levels and the myriad other methods already mentioned) can slow or even halt age-related decline, in both physical and mental terms. They claim that following their programme will result in individuals leading healthy, happy and active lifestyles well beyond the age of 100.


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