11 March 2020

Lab Chat

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the situation with regards to ARABLAB+.

We decided to postpone ARABLAB+ 2020 due to the overwhelming concerns of a majority of exhibitors, visitors, principals and agents who normally attend the event......... over their ability to travel to the Show, and the Health & Welfare of their staff. We felt that we could not guarantee a successful exhibition with the number and quality of visitors that our exhibitors have normally come to expect.

As you can imagine, with so many shows postponed not only in Dubai but globally it has been very difficult trying to establish alternative dates, and also respect the structures of other competitive industry International Trade Shows as well as the upcoming Dubai World Expo.

It has always been our long-term view to establish ARABLAB+ as an annual show in the September window which would enable the show to expand and develop within the SCIENCE & CHEMICAL field.

As a result, we can confirm that whilst the rescheduled dates will be 07- 09 September this year, we will be scheduling all future events from 2021 onwards as annual shows in September instead of March. This will then provide a balanced exhibition and seminar platform for manufacturers and visitors to plan their future business strategy around the successful "ARABLAB" brand.

Our website is continously being updated, so please continue to send us any current news on your organization.

Looking forward for your continued support.


Thinking about exhibiting at ARABLAB 2024? Watch our video to find out more.

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