A Personal Note

30 July 2021

Lab Chat

To all our LOYAL VISITORS & EXHIBITORS……. I am sure that you will be encouraged to learn that DUBAI is once again hosting Live Mainstream Exhibitions, throughout the summer and autumn period attracting positive success……………. It is also hosting WORLD EXPO 20 which is creating dynamic reviews worldwide.

Let me say that as organisers of ARABLAB for nearly 40 years it is always our aim to consider and respect the requirements of all of our Exhibitors & Visitors………… and to provide and manage the show enabling you all to reconnect with both Regional and Global clients once again.

We are now branding the show as ARABLABLIVE ………………. and it is already attracting widespread “On line Registrations” from Visitors and Buyers who are so keen to meet and discuss the latest technology developments with Exhibitors at the show………….and the “SEMINAR PROGRAM” is packed full of exciting presentations from some of the world’s leading experts.

As organisers of the show, it is our role to create a “SUPPLIER to BUYER” environment all under one roof which is both safe, hygienic and successful for all participants.

Once again, please be assured that the ARABLAB TEAM will be very pleased to assist and help you on any matters relating to the show.

Looking forward to welcoming you and your team to Dubai again.

Wishing you every success.

Best regards,

David Domoney Managing Director


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