Can you tow an ICEBERG from ANTARTICA?

19 August 2019

Lab Chat

An Emirati businessman has raised eyebrows all over the globe through his ambitious scheme to tow an entire iceberg from Antarctica to the UAE. The grandiose project has been dismissed by some sceptics as “fantasy” and by the UAE government as nothing more than “a rumour”, but Abdulla Alshehi insists it is viable.

Rather than being a vanity project, the idea is actually rooted in environment...

Can you prevent MIGRAINES?

15 August 2019

Lab Chat

Chronic migraines afflict approximately 15% of the population and are up to three times more prevalent in females than males. This is chiefly due to the hormonal imbalances which women are subjected to and, along with fatigue, hunger, sleep deprivation and stress, can serve as a trigger for a migraine episode.

While a cure for migraines still eludes medical scientists, preventive treatment a...

What fuels are “UAE RESIDENTS” searching for?

31 July 2019

Lab Chat

Digital marketing suite SEMrush have published a study which demonstrates that UAE residents are showing a growing interest in environmentally-friendly sources of energy. According to an analysis of 11 fuel-related search terms over the last three years, Emiratis are most commonly searching for electricity online, pointing to the rising uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country.


UAE launches the world’s biggest “SINGLE SOLAR FARM”

18 July 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE may have built its wealth upon the vast reserves of oil beneath its territory, but it is doing its utmost to diversify the country’s economy and energy supplies away from fossil fuels. That much is certainly clear with the launch of Noor Abu Dhabi, the largest single solar farm of its kind in the world, which started operations at the beginning of the month. The farm has a maximum capac...

More UAE businesses commit to “BANNING SINGLE USE PLASTIC”

11 July 2019

Lab Chat

Dubai Airports is the latest business to commit to outlawing single-use plastic in its premises, joining a growing number of UAE companies which are taking a stand against plastic pollution. The firm, which manages both Al Maktoum International Airport and Dubai International Airport, revealed last month that it would be banning items such as shopping bags and cutlery made from plastic from the...

Mercury Pollution in Fish and Enviro: Recent Research and Findings

01 July 2019

Lab Chat

Mercury is a ubiquitous heavy metal that biomagnifies at successively higher levels in the aquatic food chain. It can have adverse effects on the fish population itself as well as on both humans and fish-eating wildlife.


Recent Researches

Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin and a persistent environmental contaminant that accumulates in the tissues of fish in regions where artisanal scal...

How did UAE students save “188m GALLONS of WATER”?

27 June 2019

Lab Chat

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has recognised the efforts of almost 30,000 students from public and private schools across the Emirate by presenting them with this year’s Conservation Award. Cumulatively, the students achieved never-before-seen reductions in electricity and water consumption, translating to financial savings of Dh24 million (£5.15 million).

The secret of th...

Should restaurants display “CALORIE CONTENT”

20 June 2019

Lab Chat

Dubai is soon to become the first city in the United Arab Emirates to require restaurants to display calorific content on their menus. As of November, all restaurant chains with more than five branches, including many fast food outlets, will be required to inform customers of the number of calories they will be eating with each purchase. In January, that will be extended to restaurants and eati...

How did Costa celebrate “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY”?

16 June 2019

Lab Chat

Costa Coffee UAE commemorated this year’s World Environment Day by offering free coffee to any customer who brought in a reusable cup to any of their outlets across the country. The national incentive was geared towards raising awareness over the danger of waste pollution (especially with regard to single-use coffee cups) and encouraging caffeine addicts to carry a cup with them wherever they g...


11 June 2019

Lab Chat

Last week, Dubai celebrated “World No Tobacco Day”, an annual event that takes place around the world on the 31st May each year. Its aim is to raise awareness about the health threats posed by cigarette smoking and to encourage people to give up the habit. This year’s theme focused on the relationship between tobacco and lung health, with a specific focus on how the former damages the latter.


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