25 May 2020

Lab Chat

A collective of 20 of the foremost scientists, engineers and researchers from across the UAE have come together to investigate innovative new ways of containing the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Citizen Science, as the group are known, are being spearheaded by the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in their efforts to relieve the medical and social pressures that the virus is causing.

While ...

What is AGTECH?

21 May 2020

Lab Chat

At present, the UAE imports as much as 80% of its food supplies. However, the growing global population and dwindling resources mean that food security could become a very real problem in the foreseeable future, which is why the Emirati government is so keen to increase its self-sustainability with regard to the food sector.

While that’s an admirable ambition, it’s a trickier proposition to ...

Can Stem Cells treat COVID- 19?

17 May 2020

Lab Chat

A clinical trial which utilises stem cells to combat COVID-19 is underway in the UAE for the first time. The treatment, which involves extracting stem cells from a patient’s bloodstream, activating them and then reintroducing them back into the patient’s lungs, is currently being tested at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City.

However, those involved in the trials have stressed that the treatment is ...

How has COVID-19 affected Middle East AIR QUALITY?

26 April 2020

Lab Chat

One silver lining of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic which has ravaged the world is its effect on air pollution. In the Middle East, as in other parts of the globe, the reduced activity has seen air quality drastically improve in a matter of weeks since the virus first surfaced at the end of last year.

As the epicentre of the outbreak, Wuhan City in the Hubei Province of central China has ...

Why is the UAE creating the World’s Largest Artificial Reef?

19 April 2020

Lab Chat

The UAE has announced it intends to create the world’s largest artificial coral reef off the coast of Fujairah. Covering an estimated 300,000 square metres, the reef will comprise a joint venture between the Emirati Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and the Florida Keys National Sanctuary.

The initiative is a response to the massive coral bleaching which has ravaged the reefs off th...


13 April 2020

Lab Chat

The UAE believe they may have struck upon the largest natural gas reserve discovery in 15 years. The Jebel Al reservoir, located between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, is projected to hold up to 80 trillion cubic feet of the resource, making it the biggest discovery of its kind since 2015.

If the estimates prove to be correct, the reservoir would become the fourth biggest in the Middle East and catapu...

UAE CLOUD SEEDING improves Weather across the Gulf

08 April 2020

Lab Chat

For the last few years, the UAE has implemented an increasingly aggressive cloud-seeding policy, aimed at combating rising temperatures and increasing rainfall in the country. And the beneficial effects of its scheme are being felt not just in the Emirates themselves, but all across the neighbouring region, according to meteorological expert Dr Said Al Sami.

The global effects of climate cha...

Stuck at Home? We bring ArabLab+ education to you.

11 March 2020

Lab Chat

Analytical Innovation 2020

Hear the latest updates from ArabLab+ from the comfort of your desk

With concerns due to the current coronavirus outbreak, many companies and institutes are imposing travel restrictions and several major conferences and exhibitions have already been postponed or cancelled. This year’s ArabLab+ in Dubai, UAE is one of those affected.

The situation is changing ...


11 March 2020

Lab Chat

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the situation with regards to ARABLAB+.

We decided to postpone ARABLAB+ 2020 due to the overwhelming concerns of a majority of exhibitors, visitors, principals and agents who normally attend the event......... over their ability to travel to the Show, and the Health & Welfare of their staff. We felt that we could not guarantee a succes...

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