What Is HealthX?

24 June 2024

Lab Chat

May witnessed the landmark event of the Abu Dhabi Global Healthcare Week (ADGHW), a major government initiative which aims to promote forward-thinking technologies and raise awareness in prioritising prevention over treatment. It attracted 200 expert speakers and over 5,000 attendees, with the launch of HealthX one of its most groundbreaking moments.

HealthX is a startup platform which will ...

How Has the UAE Sped Up Legionella Testing?

17 June 2024

Lab Chat

p>A revolutionary new method of detecting legionella bacteria in water samples has dramatically accelerated the process in Emirati laboratories. The technique, which leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to slash waiting times from two weeks to just two days, has received accreditation from the relevant authorities.

The new ground-breaking new technology is being pioneered by t...

How are Dubai Police using DNA TESTS?

24 May 2024

Lab Chat

With criminal activity becoming more sophisticated than ever, police investigators have had to adapt with the times. Dubai Police are at the forefront of modern police work, pioneering as they have a plethora of new scientific techniques in identifying suspects and securing convictions. Advanced new methods of DNA testing are one particularly potent weapon in their arsenal.

Under the steward...

Can ROBOTS fill up your car?

20 May 2024

Lab Chat

Imagine a world where you don’t even have to bother leaving your car to manually fill it with fuel; instead, a robot covers the hard yards for you. That’s the reality of the situation in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Distribution’s flagship service station. In addition to automatic fuelling, the facility is equipped with a range of other AI bells and whistles, too.

A 21st-century ca...

Is Autonomous Driving coming to the UAE?

26 April 2024

Lab Chat

Self-driving vehicles are already being trialled in several sites around the world, including Shanghai in China and Phoenix in the USA. Now, thanks to a new potential collaboration between the UAE’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC) and a South Korean autonomous driving company, the technology could be soon coming to the UAE, as well.

The partnership is still in the developmental s...


22 April 2024

Lab Chat

Thanks to its sweet taste and endorphin-releasing properties, sugar has been an integral part of the human diet for millennia. It can be used to enhance all manner of foods and drinks, from breakfast items and desserts to smoothies, hot beverages and cocktails. However, it comes with an array of unwanted side effects, which is why people all around the globe are seeking to reduce their sugar co...


29 March 2024

Lab Chat

The fields of medicine and healthcare have witnessed monumental advances in recent decades. Technological developments and scientific breakthroughs have meant that we are now able to understand, diagnose and treat – and even prevent – many diseases far more effectively than we could even 20 or 30 years ago.

Nonetheless, conventional medicine still broadly follows a one-size-fits-all template...


18 March 2024

Lab Chat

The Dubai Central Laboratory in the UAE has announced it has employed a new food screening and analysis system which can detect the presence of pork in test samples. The advanced technology is capable of processing as many as 100 tests per hour and can deliver accurate results within 24 hours of the test taking place.

Indeed, the new system is around 100 times more efficient than conventiona...

How do ROBOTS assist with surgery to remove Cancerous Lymph Nodes?

26 February 2024

Lab Chat

Over recent decades, medical care has thankfully advanced to the point where many types of cancer are now treatable if caught early enough. Nonetheless, the process of effectively diagnosing and then treating the disease is not without its risks, as patients can be susceptible to infection, nerve damage or other unwanted outcomes. These risks are only exacerbated when dealing with older or more...

Can CELLULAR THERAPY treat Diabetes?

23 February 2024

Lab Chat

Diabetes is a condition afflicting some 537 million people worldwide, and according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), claimed the lives of between 1.5 million and 2 million people in 2019. Even those who do not suffer such extreme outcomes still have to use monitoring equipment and insulin injections to manage the condition.

Now, however, there may be a new solution on the horizon. A c...

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