Why is the UAE extending the YEAR OF SUSTAINABILITY?

19 February 2024

Enviro Chat

This month the Emirati government has announced that it will be extending its Year of Sustainability into 2024. First launched last year, the initiative is intended to raise awareness about the importance of instilling respect towards the environment, minimising the harmful impact that all of us have upon it and implementing sustainable habits to safeguard the planet for future generations.

The Year of Sustainability manifested itself in a series of programmes, workshops and countrywide drives aimed at increasing public awareness over the issues involved. Given its huge success, the government has decided to make 2024 the Year of Sustainability as well as its predecessor, thus capitalising on the success of the initiative and maximising its positive outcomes.

Solid foundations

Last January, the Year of Sustainability was announced with the intention of informing the general public about the importance of their actions, inspiring change and normalising sustainable behaviours. All of these goals contributed to one overarching objective: a world for our children and our children’s children which is futureproofed against climate change, global warming and other unwanted phenomena.

The success of the endeavour was rooted in its emphasis on public participation. In particular, the Emirati government sought to instigate input from the population in three key areas:

  • Responsible consumption of resources and minimisation of waste
  • Uptake of conservation initiatives aimed at safeguarding our environment
  • Raised awareness surrounding the impending threats posed by climate change

Due to the enthusiasm and open-mindedness with which the initiative was met by the Emirati people in 2023, the authorities have sought to capitalise on that momentum and extend the Year into 2024. In this way, it’s hoped that the country can transform itself into a model of sustainability for other nations and generations to learn from.

Community driven

As mentioned above, the major success of the Year of Sustainability came through its ability to inspire, motivate and involve Emirati citizens from all walks of life. With that in mind, this year’s incarnation intends to follow a similar theme by offering an open invitation to the people to contribute their ideas and suggestions towards the agenda.

In doing so, the government is able to foster a sense of inclusivity and togetherness in the endeavour. It’s hoped that through a pre-planned list of community activities and projects, to which individuals and communities can add their own ideas, the Year of Sustainability will help people to adopt better practices and habits in their everyday lives.

Those who wish to learn more about the Year of Sustainability 2024 are invited to visit the website and contribute their own suggestions for the programme to Contact@UAEYearOf.ae. By capturing the imaginations and harnessing the efforts of the entire Emirati population, it’s hoped that the initiative can effect tangible change in the world for today, tomorrow and beyond.


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