How is the UAE improving WATER SECURITY?

24 December 2020

Enviro Chat

The UAE has made another stride towards improving the national water security situation last month, after one of the country’s biggest agricultural firms struck a business deal with an Israeli company to shore up its water supply in an innovative manner.

The Al Dahra Agricultural Company, a manufacturer of animal feed and other related products, has teamed up with Watergen, the forward-thinking start-up behind the development of technology that is capable of turning air into drinking water. The terms of the deal dictate that the strategic partnership will take place over a five-year period and will focus on enhancing the water security within the Emirates.

What is Watergen?

Watergen was founded in 2009 and has patented a series of water generators which can capture air at the point at which it converts to dew. After using biological and chemical treatment procedures to rid the water of its physical impurities, it is then put through a mineralisation process to ensure it retains both its nutrients and taste.

After that process has been completed, the water is then safe to be used for drinking, irrigation or any other purposes for which it may be needed. In the UAE, it is likely to serve as a much-needed supplement to the country’s scant supplies and as well as providing drinking water to the country’s 9.6 million citizens, it will also be used to irrigate parks, farmlands, nature reserves and other areas where water is required.

As such, Watergen is a shining example of water companies doing more for the environment – which is a phrase that isn’t heard around the world with too much frequency. Watergen’s products are suitable for use in a domestic, commercial or industrial setting, while they have even developed a so-called “Gen-M Emergency Response Vehicle”, which is responsible for transporting their units to imperilled communities in the grip of natural disasters or emergency situations.

A forward-thinking partnership

By entering into an accord with Watergen, the Al Dahra Agricultural Company have signalled their intention to safeguard the most precious of resources for Emirati citizens. In a climate characterised by high temperatures and little rainfall, such a forward-thinking move is surely to be lauded among the environmental community.

“Amidst the concern for environmental issues around the world, especially in the UAE, environmental indexes are now being prioritized by developed countries,” explained Khadim Al Darei, vice-chairman of the company. With that in mind, Al Dahra aims to “find sustainable and comprehensive environmental solutions that will protect the environment and support sustainable development programs in the UAE.”

The deal is just the latest in a string of agreements signed between the UAE and Israel in recent months. In August, the two countries put pen to paper on an historic normalisation pact, which is intended to improve relations and encourage partnerships between the two nations.


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