How is the UAE helping with MALAYSIA’s Net Zero Targets?

27 August 2023

Enviro Chat

The UAE clean energy company Masdar has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Malaysian firm Citaglobal Berhad aimed at furthering the country’s net zero efforts. In particular, the MoU will concentrate on developing renewable energy projects across the country, including in rural areas that have hitherto relied on unreliable, inefficient and environmentally unfriendly means of power generation.

The move is part of a broader strategy being deployed by Masdar in particular and the UAE in general, via which it aims to facilitate the development of clean energy projects all over the globe. This in keeping with the country’s role as host of the upcoming COP28 climate conference, scheduled to take place in Dubai later this year.

2GW of power in the pipeline

The MoU is a significant step forward in the development of 2GW clean energy projects in the Malaysian state of Pahang. Working alongside Citaglobal Behard, Masdar will invest in solar, wind and other renewable power technologies, as well as furthering the capabilities of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in Malaysia.

Once completed, the projects should provide a substantial boost to Malaysia’s environmental objectives. The government has previously indicated that it aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest and the expertise which Masdar, who are a clean energy powerhouse in both a national and an international sense, brings to the table will be all-important in attaining those goals.

Of course, the MoU is only the latest in a string of accords and agreements between the UAE and Malaysia, as the two nations have looked to strengthen ties over the last few months. In May, the countries signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to enhance cooperation on the trade of goods and services.

Stimulating SE Asia and beyond

Of course, the MoU is just another example of how the Emirati company is using its immense experience, expertise and investment capital to further green energy projects abroad. Southeast Asia has been a particular beneficiary in this respect, with Masdar having developed several projects in Indonesia alone.

For example, the company was instrumental in the installation and commissioning of the Cirata Floating Solar PV Plant in the province of West Java. Capable of generating a staggering 145MW, it will generate electricity for some 50,000 homes, making it the largest facility of its kind in the region. Masdar has also entered the geothermal market via a strategic investment in the Pertamina Geothermal Energy company, also based in Indonesia.

In total, Masdar has investments in more than 40 countries around the world, the value of which exceeds over $30 billion cumulatively. Taken together, its projects can generate more than 20GW of clean energy, proving that the Emirati company is leading the charge towards a greener tomorrow not only for its own citizens, but for everyone.


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