27 May 2024

Enviro Chat

Beset by the myriad problems of global warming, climate change and a ballooning world population, the agricultural industry certainly has its work cut out for it in the years ahead. Thankfully, the impressive advances made in the fields of science and technology mean that it’s now possible to farm smarter and farm better.

One such encouraging development is the emergence of UAE-based Agritech startup company Egrobots. In addressing the significant issue of undetected crop diseases, Egrobots have developed a range of products and services which can help to make the lives of everyday farmers as simple as possible, maximising their yields and their profit margins in the process.

A blight on society

The international farming community has plenty of plates to keep spinning at the moment. Not only must it deal with a warming climate and increased incidence of extreme weather events, but it must also be wary of the growing number of crop diseases that these changing conditions can cause. In fact, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that undetected crop diseases cost the worldwide economy around $220 billion each and every year.

Obviously, something must be done to tackle the problem. Step forward Egrobots, an agritech firm set up by Akhlad Alabhar, Hanan Sabry and Ahmed Thabet in 2022. “Our innovative use of robots and AI provides a solution that detects diseases early, improves crop yields, and reduces losses, contributing to a more sustainable and economically viable agriculture sector,” explains Alabhar.

Three-pronged attack

In order to provide farmers with the best tools possible for their unique situations, Alabhar and his two co-founders have developed three different products and services. These are comprised of:

  • Egro Scout. This reporting service employs autonomous robots to trundle around farms and collect a wealth of data on the ambient conditions within them and the crops raised on them. The data has already been trialled on over 300 acres of farmland and can be used to assign individual trees their own identification data, thus facilitating disease detection and prognosis preparation.
  • Egro Scan. With a particular focus on disease diagnosis, this mobile application is adept at allowing farmers to detect, diagnose and address crop diseases on their farms as soon as possible. This makes it a highly useful tool in boosting crop health and minimising losses, which is why it has already shown significant popularity among over 13,000 users across seven countries.
  • Egro Care. This holistic farm management application equips farmers with all the tools they need to stay abreast of the performance of their crops and take appropriate action to maximise efficiency as and where it’s needed. It turns the analysis of data into mere child’s play and has already enabled over 500 users to streamline their operations and optimise their outcomes as fully as possible.

What’s more, Egrobots is available on a variety of payment programmes, from one-off service fees to rolling subscriptions to tailored licensing arrangements. As such, it is available and accessible to a wide variety of members of the farming community in the UAE and further afield.


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