23 January 2023

Enviro Chat

Dubai Municipality was the recipient of four first places across four different categories at the 2022 Energy Globe Award ceremony. Pioneered by the Energy Globe Foundation, the awards recognize the effort and ingenuity that the municipality has demonstrated over the last 12 months and beyond, as it fights to transition towards a more sustainable economy and combat the effects of manmade climate change.

As some of the most prestigious accreditations for environmental performance on the planet, it’s testament to the work done by the Dubai authorities that the Municipality was able to walk away with four gongs. Here’s a closer look at the winners individually:

‘One Hour with the Cleaner’

In 2017, Dubai Municipality launched its ‘One Hour with the Cleaner’ initiative, aimed at encouraging ordinary Emiratis to get out and clean up the city’s streets, maintain its pristine aesthetic and protect the planet all in one. Since its inception, it has seen almost 15,000 volunteers from all segments of the society, including those affiliated with public organisations, community ventures and the private sector. It is heralded as a shining beacon for fostering values of social responsibility among the general public.

Air quality control

Dubai Municipality was also recognized for its work in introducing a new sophisticated air purifier that is capable of removing toxic metal dust from an environment. It was first developed in 2019 and is now commonly used in workplaces in which historical artefacts are being restored so as to maintain their integrity and contribute to a healthy working environment for staff. Meanwhile, all the centres in which the purifier is installed are also monitoring the optimisation of energy consumption on their premises.

Paint nanotechnology

The Central Laboratory of Dubai Municipality played an instrumental role in the development of a new species of paint which uses nanotechnology to enhance its environmental credentials. A technical team from the lab came up with the patented pigments by experimenting with nanotechnology and were able to develop a substance that not only holds it colour under ambient conditions for longer, but also repels dust and reflects sunshine more effectively than other products. This minimises the amount of paint required to cover a surface, improves air quality and cools buildings, thus helping both public and environmental health.

Sustainable construction

Finally, Dubai Municipality’s construction sector was recognised for its efforts in minimising the waste generated by the industry. In particular, its focus on reusing and recycling surplus concrete so that it is not simply disposed of won plaudits. Meanwhile, there was another boon for the construction industry, as the Multi Storey Car Park in the residential Al Garhoud zone was lauded for its Zero Energy Building status. The parking lot is the first of its kind which uses sustainable materials and generates its energy in an eco-friendly manner.


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