UAE signs deal for EGYPT WIND FARM

21 July 2023

Enviro Chat

Emirati company Masdar has signed an accord with Egypt’s New and Reliable Energy Authority alongside various other companies to further plans for a $10 billion wind farm. The deal was tentatively agreed upon last December, but concrete steps have now been taken to secure the land upon which the farm will be built.

At its completion, the farm will be capable of producing almost 50,000GWh of e...


14 July 2023

Enviro Chat

With global warming and climate change some of the most urgent issues facing the human race, recent years have seen an increased emphasis on reducing our carbon footprint on the planet. Recycling is a key component of this process, since it generates less waste whilst simultaneously reducing the need for new materials, thus resulting in fewer emissions and less consumption of resources.


Can Waste Cooking Oil become FUEL?

07 July 2023

Enviro Chat

The vast majority of the world’s environmental scientists and experts are in agreement that in order to combat climate change and prevent global warming from surpassing the catastrophic ceiling of a 2°C global temperature rise, it’s necessary to transition away from damaging fossil fuels such as oil and gas – as soon as possible.

That means that the transportation industry has its work cut o...

How is the UAE promoting SUSTAINABILITY?

30 June 2023

Enviro Chat

With 2023 serving as the Year of Sustainability, and with Dubai acting as hosting for this year’s COP28 in November and December, it’s only logical that the UAE is pulling out all the stops to promote the concept through a number of initiatives and incentives.

Additionally, the Emirati government has also launched a nationwide campaign geared towards raising public awareness of the issue and...

When will the UAE switch off FOSSIL FUELS?

23 June 2023

Enviro Chat

As concerns over climate change intensify, there is a growing consensus around the globe that we must integrate cleaner sources of power into our energy portfolios. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have powered the planet for centuries, but the emissions associated with burning these fuel sources has led to clamour for them to be replaced by renewable alternatives.

As the host of the u...

How can the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department combat CLIMATE CHANGE?

02 June 2023

Enviro Chat

Termed by Sir David Attenborough as “humanity’s greatest threat” in millennia, climate change is set to affect certain regions of the planet more keenly than others in the imminent future. With its arid landscapes and scarce precipitation, the Middle East in general and the UAE in particular is especially susceptible to its ravages.

As a result, the Emirati government, state operations and o...

Could BIOFUELS be introduced at UAE Fuel Stations?

19 May 2023

Enviro Chat

At present, biofuels account for just 3% of the global demand of 100 million barrels of fuel per day, as well as 3.6% of global transport energy consumption. However, some forward-thinking countries have already attempted to make their implementation more widespread at garages and petrol stations – and the UAE could benefit from following suit.

That’s especially true given that one local com...

Why is Water Management a “MUST” for the UAE?

12 May 2023

Enviro Chat

Speaking at the UN General Assembly in late March, the Emirati Minister of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) stressed that responsible management of water resources going forwards is a “must”. Mariam al Mheiri’s words came at the UN’s first water summit in almost 50 years, as she urged her fellow policymakers to give “the best of us” and drive “concerted action” in these “times of crisis”...

How can the UAE increase domestic “FOOD PRODUCTION"?

05 May 2023

Enviro Chat

By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.5 billion, precipitating a need for 70% more food than is currently produced. Modernising farming methods to optimise yields will be crucial to meet that heightened demand, with technology set to play a huge part in the coming changes.

The situation is one being experienced across the globe, but it’s nowhere more keenly felt than in Middl...

Why have UAE BIOFUEL SALES doubled?

24 March 2023

Enviro Chat

Emirati company Neutral Fuels has revealed that it sold more than twice as many biofuels in 2022 as the year prior – and that demand for the coming 12 months is already strong. The sharp uplift in sales is being driven largely by the shipping sector, which is pivoting towards more environmentally friendly sources as a result of new regulations from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)....

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