Pure Food Tech’s pioneering step for “UAE FOOD SECURITY

26 January 2024

Enviro Chat

Located in the United Arab Emirates, Pure Food Technology is leading the way with a groundbreaking innovation in vertical farming. This avant-garde technology marries solar power, hydroponics, robotics and artificial intelligence to produce high yields of plant-based crops, utilising 95 percent less water than traditional farming methods.

This transformative technology is poised to revolutio...

Why is the UAE launching a CARBON REGISTRY?

19 January 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE is currently developing a carbon registry system to document and verify the efforts being made by individual companies and corporations across a wide variety of sectors to cut their emissions. Although the details of the scheme are still being finalised, it’s thought that it may be formally announced during the COP28 climate conference which is taking place in Dubai this year.

As wel...

UAE backs ambitious fifth cycle of “RAIN ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS

16 January 2024

Enviro Chat

The fifth cycle of grants for the United Arab Emirates Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science will be announced on the 23rd of January. This is part of an initiative set up by the UAE presidential office to encourage ambitious rain enhancement projects. Grants of up to $1.5 million will be offered to successful proposals, hoping to aid water security worldwide.

What is the UAEREP?



12 January 2024

Enviro Chat

Now in its third year, the Agricultural Innovation Mission for Climate (or AIM for Climate) has garnered a whopping $13 billion in investment capital to date. The fund was originally set up at COP26 in Glasgow two years ago in a joint venture by the governments of the UAE and the USA, alongside support from 31 other nations and almost 50 non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The fund is inten...

What is the “UAE WIND PROGRAM”?

05 January 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE has launched the first utility-scale wind project in the country as part of a wider push towards carbon neutrality. The Emirates have famously built their vast stores of wealth on fossil fuels, but are now attempting to transition towards more sustainable sources of power in the face of the looming climate crisis.

The UAE Wind Program, developed by clean energy powerhouses Masdar and...


15 December 2023

Enviro Chat

The Emirati renewable energy company Masdar has become one of three new members to join the Hydrogen Council. With climate change and global warming among the most pressing issues facing the human race today, switching to more environmentally friendly sources of energy is crucial. Hydrogen can form a key part of this process.

With that in mind, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (better kno...


11 December 2023

Enviro Chat

It is believed that the global population will exceed 9.8 billion by 2050, representing almost a 20% increase from the number of people sharing the planet today. Of course, an increase in population will necessitate a greater yield in food production, which can most effectively be achieved by optimising agricultural methods and implementing technological solutions.

Vertical farming is one su...

Can schools’ Indoor AIR QUALITY be improved?

04 December 2023

Enviro Chat

Given that children’s lungs are still developing and therefore more susceptible to contamination from air pollution, it makes sense to ensure that the indoor environments in which they spend the majority of their week is free from contaminants. As such, the indoor air quality (IAQ) in Emirati schools should be among the cleanest in the country.

Of course, this unfortunately has not always be...

How can data help with Agriculture?

01 December 2023

Enviro Chat

If scientific projections are correct, the global population will reach 10 billion by 2050. That will necessitate a 56% shortfall in food production and a 593-million-hectare land deficit in comparison to 2010 if growth continues only on a “business as usual” trajectory.

Clearly, much work is needed to ensure that everyone on Earth has enough food to eat in the coming decades – and data can ...

Can ROBOTS clean up our OCEANS?

20 November 2023

Enviro Chat

Oceanic degradation has been a topic of growing concerns for several decades now. From plastic pollution to coral bleaching, there are a range of issues which impact water quality and cleanliness, thus having a knock-on effect on the marine flora and fauna which live in these aquatic environments. Cleaning up our waterways is of paramount importance.

Marine robotics is a burgeoning industry ...

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