Why Is the Gulf Attracting Climate Tech Businesses?

28 June 2024

Enviro Chat

Historically speaking, the Arab Gulf has built its reputation and its riches from the massive reserves of oil and gas found beneath its terrain. However, global warming, climate change and an increased incidence of extreme weather events have made it clear that the human race must eventually transition away from fossil fuels to more sustainable sources of power.

This has led to a plethora of...

What Is Agritech?

21 June 2024

Enviro Chat

With the global population expected to near 10 billion by 2050, it’s clear that we are going to need to produce more food to feed these extra mouths. At the same time, the agricultural industry is beset by an array of different challenges, including climate change, air pollution, land management, resource depletion and biodiversity conservation.

With that in mind, agritech is set to play an ...

Can the UAE Reduce Ammonia’s Carbon Intensity?

10 June 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE has taken a significant step forward in reducing the carbon intensity of ammonia produced in the country through the awarding of a construction contract for its low-carbon ammonia production plant in Abu Dhabi. The tender was won by Tecnimont, a subsidiary of the MAIRE Group, and work is expected to begin later this year.

Once operational in 2027, the plant will be capable of produci...

What is the UAE’s new policy on BIOFUELS?

07 June 2024

Enviro Chat

The Emirati government has announced its new policy on biofuels, revealing the details of the comprehensive strategy agreed upon by the UAE Cabinet in March. Among other headline objectives, the policy aims to ramp up consumption of biodiesel by 20% by 2050 in order to reduce emissions across a wide variety of industries.

What’s more, it’s hoped that the national policy will help to promote ...


27 May 2024

Enviro Chat

Beset by the myriad problems of global warming, climate change and a ballooning world population, the agricultural industry certainly has its work cut out for it in the years ahead. Thankfully, the impressive advances made in the fields of science and technology mean that it’s now possible to farm smarter and farm better.

One such encouraging development is the emergence of UAE-based Agritec...

Did CLOUD SEEDING cause the floods in Dubai?

17 May 2024

Enviro Chat

Last month, the UAE witnessed the heaviest rainfall since records began. On Tuesday 16th April, over 250mm of rain fell on Al Ain in a 24-hour period. In Dubai, by far the largest city in the country and home to one of the world’s busiest airports, around one-and-a-half years’ worth of precipitation fell in a single day.

The freak event caused social media platforms to buzz with conspiracy t...


06 May 2024

Enviro Chat

The Year of Sustainability Initiative has unveiled its first venture of 2024: the Sustainability Champions Society. The open-access platform invites Emiratis and ex-pats of all ages to share their own personal experiences with regard to sustainability, as well as participate in the extensive lists of activities planned for the coming year.

The Society is just the latest part of a year-long p...

3 Innovations from the International Horticultural Expo.

29 April 2024

Enviro Chat

UAE innovators were out in force at the International Horticultural Expo in Doha, Qatar, this year. The six-month event came to a close at the end of March, with a raft of companies exhibiting their exciting new technologies in the horticultural sector.

The UAE has long prided itself on being a pioneer in terms of sustainability and future-proofed farming techniques, so its little surprise t...

How does Battery Energy Storage work?

19 April 2024

Enviro Chat

The twin phenomena of global warming and climate change have increased awareness surrounding our environmental obligations, with most governments around the world agreeing on the need to transition to sustainable sources of power generation.

But while green energy does produce lower (or no) emissions, it’s also generally intermittent by its very nature. The sun doesn’t always shine and the w...

How is the UAE encouraging people to rethink DESALINATION?

15 April 2024

Enviro Chat

Water is the most precious resource on planet Earth. Some regions of the world, such as the Middle East, find themselves constantly seeking to conserve it, since an arid climate and minimal rainfall means it is always at a premium. With that end in view, desalination techniques have been developed to generate plentiful water for all.

However, existing methods are not cost-effective when depl...

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