Does the UAE use BIOFUELS?

28 April 2021

Chem Chat

A Dubai-based firm has become the first in the UAE to receive official approval for its biodiesel. Neutral Fuels, who specialise in creating high-quality biofuels, were awarded certification under the recently introduced Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA) biofuel quality standard.

The landmark accreditation proves that products manufactured by Neutral Fuels meet all of the relevant quality criteria as dictated by Emirati law. With that in mind, its B100 pure biodiesel can now blended with regular diesel in order to improve fuel efficiency and clean up the tailpipe emissions of affected vehicles.

As a result, the UAE can now proudly state that it uses biofuels in accordance with the latest safety and quality standards, as set by bodies as prestigious and well-respected as the EU. Indeed, the establishment of ESMA’s biofuels standards marked the first time that such a regulation was introduced in any country in the Middle East.

A more sustainable form of fuel

In a world where climate change and air pollution have become increasingly pressing concerns for people everywhere, there has been much pressure on the transportation industry to clean up its act. Defined as any fuel source derived from organic matter, biofuels are one such alternative that have a preferable environmental profile to traditional choices such as petrol and diesel.

That’s due to the fact that combustion of biofuels does not result in the same carbon emissions as their fossil fuel counterparts. What’s more, they are created from biomass, which is a far more immediately replenishable fuel stock than oil, gas or coal, making them a renewable form of energy generation.

Given that the UAE has targeted reducing its carbon intensity by 25% within 10 years, transitioning to cleaner fuels like biofuels is a sensible move in the right direction. The country’s leading companies have also been investigating hydrogen as another potential alternative to traditional fossil fuels, given its impressive green credentials.

An Emirati milestone

Neutral Fuels are something of a trailblazer when it comes to sustainable fuel in the UAE. They were already the first refinery to create 100% biofuel that is compliant with the latest European standards from used cooking oil, which is compatible with the combustion engines of cars, buses, trucks and external generators.

Now, the recent certification solidifies their role as a pioneer in the field of biofuels. As the federal body in charge of regulating the standards in the biofuel industry, ESMA endorsement marks Neutral Fuels out as the market-leading company in the sector, providing an extra level of reassurance to its growing customer base.

“Meeting the high-quality standard for the UAE’s biofuel requires high levels of commitment and quality management,” explained Karl Feilder, CEO of the company. “These are shared values that percolate every level of our organization. It is also a tribute to our suppliers and customers, many of whom have been with us since we started producing biofuel in the UAE in 2011.”


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