15 December 2019

Lab Chat

Carbon filters are used to remove toxic gases, hazardous fumes, and odors. These filters are constructed from high quality carbon pellets and durable chemical-resistant cases.

Carbon filters trap gaseous pollutants through the process of adsorption wherein gas molecules adhere to the surface of the carbon granules. When a carbon is activated, its surface and adsorption site increases allowin...

Retrofitting suggested for DUBAI

12 December 2019

Lab Chat

The chairwoman of a leading environmental organisation in the UAE has advised property owners to upgrade their buildings by retrofitting them with modern air-conditioning units. Habiba Al Marashi, who is the head of Emirates Environmental Group, made the statement at the Knowledge Summit last month.

According to Al Marashi, owners who do not address the root cause of failures and breakages b...

Could ROBOTS replace Surgeons?

08 December 2019

Lab Chat

Robots are already infiltrating many facets of our daily lives. Driverless cars are in the advanced stages of testing in certain parts of the world, drones are scheduled to begin delivering packages to domestic households within the next few months and precision farming uses the sophistication of AI to achieve optimum results.

So what about the operating theatre? Will robot surgeons supplant...

BP interest in ADNOC projects

28 November 2019

Chem Chat

British Petroleum (BP) is considering investment into the new oil and petrochemicals projects of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), according to the former company’s UAE manager. BP already has a 10% stake in ADNOC LNG, which is the only producer of that type of gas in the country.

The news comes as ADNOC is reshuffling its corporate strategy in an effort to become completely self-suffi...

World’s Largest Single-Site SOLAR PROJECT

25 November 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE has continued its mission to shed its reputation of being a country powered by the fossil fuel industry by announcing it will build the largest single-site solar project in the world. Abu Dhabi already holds the current record, with its 1.17GW Sweihan photovoltaic (PV) facility, but plans to surpass that threshold with a 2GW project in Al-Dhafri.

The news is welcome to the internatio...

How many UAE residents try to reduce POLLUTION?

19 November 2019

Lab Chat

Over half of Emirati residents take active measures to combat air pollution, according to a study released by YouGov. Compiled from the online answers of 1,005 survey respondents between May 20th and May 27th 2019, the report demonstrates that 57% of UAE residents are doing their bit to fight pollution.

Just over a quarter (26%) of respondents said they employed pollution-reducing measures o...

UAE Medical Tourism

14 November 2019

Lab Chat

According to information published by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, medical tourism in the UAE increased by 5.5% between 2017 and 2018. Last year, total revenue from the industry reached a new record high of Dh12.1 billion, while Emirati health expenditure also increased 5.4% to Dh50.3 billion, marking a bumper year for the industry.

The success of the medical tourism sector is...

Abu Dhabi combine OIL & CLEAN ENERGY

11 November 2019

Chem Chat

This month, the UAE announced plans to build the biggest single-site solar power facility in the world, cementing its reputation as one of the leaders in renewable energy across the globe. However, that news was tempered somewhat by the revelation that it will continue to increase oil production in the meantime.

As one of the world’s largest oil producers, the UAE (and the surrounding Middle...

Why did water turn RED off the UAE COAST?

10 November 2019

Lab Chat

Fishermen who operate off the coast of Ras Al Khaimah in the northern UAE have reported a disturbing phenomenon this autumn – huge expanses of red-tinged water around ten miles away from the mainland. The red tide is thought to be caused by a kind of bacteria, which encourages growth of phytoplankton and reduce oxygen levels in the water.

While this kind of natural occurrence can be dangerou...

Can NASAL SPRAYS treat depression?

07 November 2019

Lab Chat

An innovative new method of treating depression and mental illness may soon be coming to the UAE. The drug, taken in the form of a nasal spray, is known as esketamine and will be marketed under the name Spravato. It has been developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals of the Johnson & Johnson Company.

Spravato has already been given the green light by the USA’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) an...

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