Will ABU DHABI move to Clean Energy after the Pandemic?

23 February 2021

Enviro Chat

Abu Dhabi has kicked off 2021 with the announcement of a number of deals aimed at diversifying its energy generation portfolio and weening itself off fossil fuels. The initiatives were announced last month as part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, which, due to coronavirus complications, took place in a virtual capacity this year.

Among other avenues of research being pursued, the emirate is...

DUBAI is ready to welcome back the “WORLD OF SCIENCE & CHEMICALS"

31 January 2021

Lab Chat



The Organisers of ARABLAB+ 2021 have rescheduled the exhibition dates to now take place on 15 – 17 NOVEMBER 2021.

Dubai does provide a very safe and secure venue for the Exhibition.

However, the current travel restrictions applying to many countries from which exhibitors and visitors originate, are preventing many participants from making their travel plans.


What is the UAE Environmental Policy?

24 January 2021

Enviro Chat

Last month, the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) announced the launch of the UAE Environmental Policy. The announcement was made by MOCCAE Minister Dr Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi via a virtual press briefing.

Agreed upon by the cabinet in November 2020, the policy is aimed at preserving precious ecosystems, promoting ecological products and services, supporting the country’...

Are pipelines the key to Oil Security?

21 January 2021

Chem Chat

The establishment of pipelines connecting the Middle East to the rest of the world could be crucial to guaranteeing global oil security, according to outgoing US Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette. Brouillette visited Abu Dhabi last month to meet with high-ranking officials from regional powers and discuss the possibility of diversifying the transportation methods used to ferry oil to Asia, Europ...

UAE Researchers ranked among the World’s Top Scientists

17 January 2021

Lab Chat

Each year, Stanford University publishes an exhaustive list of the top 2% of scientists in every discipline, based upon the impact of their published papers on a citation basis. In 2019, the prestigious list included a plethora of Emirati scientists, including 32 United Arab Emirate University (UAEU) faculty members.

The achievement is a remarkable one and stands as testament to how the UAEU...

Abu Dhabi wins GLOBAL DIVERSITY award

13 January 2021

Enviro Chat

The Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD) has been named as winner of the “Outstanding Contribution to Biodiversity Global 2020 Award” by Capital Finance International (CFI). As the largest environmental watchdog in the region, EAD was recognised for the outstanding efforts it has made to prioritise conservation in the Emirati capital.

“One of our main strategic priorities and mandates is th...

Will 2021 bring a Recovery for Oil?

10 January 2021

Chem Chat

The UAE are quietly confident that the coming year will see a slow but steady resurgence in the demand for oil. Speaking to Sky News Arabia, Energy Minister Suhail Al-Mazrouei explained that he envisaged a “gradual” recovery that would take place over the course of the year.

Oil demand fell to record low levels last year, after the spread of coronavirus prompted governments across the globe ...

UAE approves another COVID-19 vaccine

07 January 2021

Lab Chat

The UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention intends to give the green light to yet another vaccine for coronavirus, claiming the substance has an 86% efficacy in preventing infections of the disease. It’s the fifth vaccine that has shown promising results to date, but the first one to come from China.

The announcement comes after the vaccine was involved in intensive clinical trials particip...

How is the UAE improving WATER SECURITY?

24 December 2020

Enviro Chat

The UAE has made another stride towards improving the national water security situation last month, after one of the country’s biggest agricultural firms struck a business deal with an Israeli company to shore up its water supply in an innovative manner.

The Al Dahra Agricultural Company, a manufacturer of animal feed and other related products, has teamed up with Watergen, the forward-think...

How big are the UAE’s OIL RESERVES?

20 December 2020

Chem Chat

The total amount of crude oil reserves belonging to the UAE reached a staggering 97.8 billion barrels in 2019, according to official figures. The quantification of UAE’s oil assets was made by the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA), who also identified the country’s production of both oil and natural gas in the last year.

That signifies that the Emirates still retain a v...

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