17 May 2021

Enviro Chat

The Dubai Green Economy Initiative is a governmental scheme aimed at guaranteeing the country’s long-term financial stability whilst simultaneously protecting our environment. Operating under the slogan “A Green Economy for Sustainable Development”, the Initiative will focus on the development and implementation of new policies and programmes in a range of different sectors.

Agriculture, ene...

How is the UAE supporting UK LIFE SCIENCES?

09 May 2021

Lab Chat

The UAE has signalled its intention to support the UK life sciences sector via the launch of a Sovereign Investment Partnership (SIP) between the two countries. The deal was inked by Abu Dhabi-based Mubadala Investment Company and the newly-created UK Office for Investment (OfI), in collaboration with the British Department for International Trade.

Under the terms of the arrangement, the SIP...

GREENER CLEANING products recommended for UAE schools

06 May 2021

Enviro Chat

A new study conducted by the Emirates Green Building Council has found that classrooms in a Dubai school contained concentrations of contaminants higher than those allowed by the legal limits as defined by the emirate’s Municipality. The cause of the pollution is thought to be the excessive use of cleaning products in an attempt to keep pupils and staff safe from coronavirus.

Additionally, t...

Can you make DRINKING WATER from AIR?

02 May 2021

Enviro Chat

It’s not called the staff of life for nothing! Water is the single most important resource that planet Earth has to offer, responsible for sustaining every type of lifeform upon it. But while most of our own drinking water is generally drawn from wells or springs, abstracted from the ground or purified in a treatment facility, a new technology has been developed which can pull it right out of t...

Does the UAE use BIOFUELS?

28 April 2021

Chem Chat

A Dubai-based firm has become the first in the UAE to receive official approval for its biodiesel. Neutral Fuels, who specialise in creating high-quality biofuels, were awarded certification under the recently introduced Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA) biofuel quality standard.

The landmark accreditation proves that products manufactured by Neutral Fuels meet all ...


25 April 2021

Chem Chat

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has announced its intention to enter into partnerships with technological frontrunners in the field of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). According to the company’s CEO, such technologies will comprise a central component of any strategy to achieve the nation’s climate goals in the coming years.

Although the UAE is planning to diversify...

ABU DHABI’S Quantum Computer

21 April 2021

Lab Chat

Abu Dhabi is set to join the exciting world of quantum computing by constructing its own model in the coming months and years. The project is being spearheaded by the Advanced Technology Research Council, who are working in collaboration with Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech from Barcelona to construct the prototype in the Emirati capital.

As a revolutionary new technology, quantum computing has the...

SEFA LAB of the Year Competition for 2022

16 April 2021

Lab Design

2022 SEFA Lab of the Year® Competition
· NEW ENTRY DEADLINE – Monday, August 1, 2022 ·
(Midnight Hawaii Standard Time (HST)

Eligible entries are projects that are substantially completed and operational after January 1, 2019 and provided the project has not previously received any recognition from SEFA's Panel of Judges.

  • Mid-August Judging Panel announced and given access to all entr...

Rescheduled Dubai Expo hopes to attract 25 million visits

11 April 2021

Lab Chat

Dubai is gearing up to host the World Expo - a year after it was originally supposed to be held.

Held every five years, expos see hundreds of countries using pavilions to show off the latest in architecture and technology.

Before the pandemic forced the event to be postponed, organisers had expected 25 million visits during the course of the six-month international fair. It will now run f...

When will the UAE achieve HERD IMMUNITY?

31 March 2021

Lab Chat

The UAE’s vaccination programme is progressing well and is hoping to achieve herd immunity in the not-too-distant future, according to a senior official involved in the process. Dr Hanan Al Suwaidi, who currently serves as the Chair of Testing Stream at the COVID-19 Command and Control Centre, says there has been “great progress across the country.”

The latest statistics show that over 60% o...

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