Why have UAE BIOFUEL SALES doubled?

24 March 2023

Enviro Chat

Emirati company Neutral Fuels has revealed that it sold more than twice as many biofuels in 2022 as the year prior – and that demand for the coming 12 months is already strong. The sharp uplift in sales is being driven largely by the shipping sector, which is pivoting towards more environmentally friendly sources as a result of new regulations from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)....

Will GUYANA sell Oil Blocks to the UAE?

17 March 2023

Chem Chat

Guyana is currently in negotiations with a number of nations (including the UAE) regarding the allocation of offshore oil blocks in its territory. President Irfaan Ali made the disclosure on the fringes of an energy conference in nearby Trinidad and Tobago late last month.

The news might come as a surprise to many oil companies around the world, especially those not owned by state entities. ...

How is UAE RESEARCH helping Astronauts Mental Health?

10 March 2023

Lab Chat

A study conducted by an Emirati university is investigating the effect of isolation and confinement on the mental health of astronauts. Undertaken by the American University of Sharjah (AUS), the research assessed various physical and mental health parameters of six subjects who were isolated in conditions similar to those experienced in space for eight months.

It's hoped that the findings o...

How is the UAE supporting India’s RENEWABLE TARGETS?

03 March 2023

Enviro Chat

The UAE is set to serve as a reliable partner in supporting India’s renewable energy goals, according to a senior official in the Dubai Chambers of Commerce. Speaking late last month, CEO and President Mohammed Ali Rashed Lootah told assembled journalists on the fringes of the India-UAE Partnership Summit that the two nations were “old energy partners” and he expected more cooperation to follow...

How are the UAE & Germany collaborating on HYDROGEN?

27 February 2023

Chem Chat

The Emirati renewable energy company Masdar is joining forces with German utilities firm Uniper SE with a view to producing green hydrogen in the UAE. Together, the two businesses plan to construct a green hydrogen facility that will be commissioned within the next three years and will be powered by almost 1.3GW of solar power.

The announcement is the latest concrete collaboration between th...


27 February 2023

Enviro Chat

First Plastic Recycling Plant Planned for the UAE

The UAE is in the early stages of building the country’s first food-grade recycled plastics plant, according to the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT). The plant, which will be capable of processing 12,000 tonnes of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic per annum, is scheduled to be located in Abu Dhabi in the coming year...

11 Agreements signed Riyadh Global MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY SUMMIT 2023

22 February 2023

Lab Chat

A total of 11 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) and cooperation agreements were penned at last month’s Riyadh Global Medical Biotechnology Summit. The event, which was the second iteration after its successful inauguration last year, is intended to bring together national, regional and international stakeholders in the field of biotechnology.

Through the gathering of the world’s best minds...

What STEM CELL advances is the UAE making?

20 February 2023

Lab Chat

p>The UAE continues to be a global leader in stem cell research, prompting one industry expert to say he was “totally blown away” by the advances being made in the country. Professor Pekka Katajisto, who serves as director of the MetaStem Centre of Excellence at Finland’s University of Helsinki, made the comments on a recent trip to the Emirates.

Through the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre and th...

What is a DIGI BIN?

13 February 2023

Enviro Chat

Three computer science students studying at Canadian University Dubai have come up with an ingenious contraption aimed at slashing food waste, generating renewable energy and fostering good habits among the general public: the Digi-Bin.

The concept works via a dual receptacle bin, with one container for general waste and one for food waste. The smart capabilities of the Digi-Bin mean it can ...

Why are DUST STORMS becoming more common?

06 February 2023

Enviro Chat

An international study co-authored by scientists from Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi has concluded that dust storms are becoming more common and more intense due to manmade climate change. The primary driver of such weather phenomenon is an increased incidence of airborne “rivers” of water vapour, which cause significant downdrafts and whip up dust.

These water vapour rivers are found with ...

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