Why did water turn RED off the UAE COAST?

10 November 2019

Lab Chat

Fishermen who operate off the coast of Ras Al Khaimah in the northern UAE have reported a disturbing phenomenon this autumn – huge expanses of red-tinged water around ten miles away from the mainland. The red tide is thought to be caused by a kind of bacteria, which encourages growth of phytoplankton and reduce oxygen levels in the water.

While this kind of natural occurrence can be dangerou...

Can NASAL SPRAYS treat depression?

07 November 2019

Lab Chat

An innovative new method of treating depression and mental illness may soon be coming to the UAE. The drug, taken in the form of a nasal spray, is known as esketamine and will be marketed under the name Spravato. It has been developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals of the Johnson & Johnson Company.

Spravato has already been given the green light by the USA’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) an...

Why is Airbnb taking UAE Volunteers to ANTARTICA?

03 November 2019

Lab Chat

Tourism and lodging hub Airbnb have announced they will be taking five lucky volunteers to Antarctica this winter – and UAE residents are eligible to apply. The initiative is part of a scientific mission to improve our understanding of how humans impact upon the environment around us, even in the furthest reaches of the planet.

The expedition will take place over a four-week period, encompas...


30 October 2019

Lab Chat

SCP specimen collection paper from CHM® are made of white and pure absorbent fibers and contain no wet-strength additives or chemicals. These cards are designed for micro-volume sampling, transport and ambient storage of biological samples.The paper is customized by the requirements of the healthcare professionals to standardize sample obtained from multiple sources.All the special designs, pri...

DUBAI gives out 80 Defibrillators

28 October 2019

Lab Chat

The Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services (DCAS) has announced it will be giving out 80 life-saving contraptions to political institutions, private organisations, places of worship and other public locations by the end of the year. The declaration was made on World Heart Day at the Indian Consulate, where the first defibrillator was gifted to the Consul General.

Capable of automatically n...

DIABETES decreases in the UAE

23 October 2019

Lab Chat

Doctors in the UAE have been reporting fewer diagnoses of diabetes over the last couple of years, with the introduction of the so-called “sin tax” in 2017 thought to be behind the phenomenon. A 50% tax was applied on all drinks containing excessive levels of sugar in October 2017, while the law was recently expanded to also include fruit juices and non-carbonated drinks with additional sweetene...

UAE Minister talks down Oil Cuts

18 October 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE’s Energy Minister Suhail al Mazrouei made moves to play down the possibility of further cuts in oil production last month, easing fears that further hikes in the price of petrol and diesel might be on the horizon. Mazrouei made the announcement in a press briefing prior to the World Energy Congress, which took place in Abu Dhabi in September.

The members of OPEC and 10 other nations ...

UAE to supply INDIA with extra LPG

10 October 2019

Lab Chat

The UAE’s state-owned oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has agreed to supply India with two additional cargoes of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) in the month of October. The request was made by India after their regular provider, Saudi Arabia, suffered a shortfall in its supplies and requested deferment of delivery of the October shipment.

That shortfall arose due to a seriou...


29 September 2019

Lab Chat

There are many different branches of medicine, from gastroenterology to geriatrics, neuroscience to nutritional science… but there’s one which you might not have given too much thought to in the past. Aviation medicine is the discipline which deals exclusively with patients that are airborne, including pilots, cabin crew, passengers or, for space travel, astronauts.

One of the main duties of...

Abu Dhabi Scientists seek to unravel “TURBULANCE”

26 September 2019

Lab Chat

We might associate turbulence almost exclusively with air travel and bumpy flights, but the phenomenon is visible as a daily occurrence in many facets of our lives. Formula One racing car drivers hate it, since the aerodynamic drag it incurs can mean the difference between winning and losing. White-water rapids kayakers and rafters love it, since it constitutes the main thrill of the experience...

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