Abu Dhabi wins GLOBAL DIVERSITY award

13 January 2021

Enviro Chat

The Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD) has been named as winner of the “Outstanding Contribution to Biodiversity Global 2020 Award” by Capital Finance International (CFI). As the largest environmental watchdog in the region, EAD was recognised for the outstanding efforts it has made to prioritise conservation in the Emirati capital.

“One of our main strategic priorities and mandates is th...

How is the UAE improving WATER SECURITY?

24 December 2020

Enviro Chat

The UAE has made another stride towards improving the national water security situation last month, after one of the country’s biggest agricultural firms struck a business deal with an Israeli company to shore up its water supply in an innovative manner.

The Al Dahra Agricultural Company, a manufacturer of animal feed and other related products, has teamed up with Watergen, the forward-think...

Can Drones help the EVIRONMENT?

15 December 2020

Enviro Chat

Due to their ability to reach remote locations and their imperviousness to the kind of errors that make humans unreliable, drones can play an important part in helping the environment. That potential is being taken advantage of in the UAE, where the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency (EAD) is planning to use these remotely piloted machines to plant thousands of mangrove seeds along the country’s coas...

How can SAND reduce WATER use?

22 November 2020

Enviro Chat

In a country like the UAE, water scarcity is a real concern. Due to its sizzling temperatures and dry climate, there is barely enough water in the Emirates for the personal use of its citizens and the cultivation of its agricultural crops, let alone for the purposes of gardening or landscaping.

With that difficulty in mind, environmentalist and entrepreneur Chandra Dake has launched “Breatha...


18 November 2020

Enviro Chat

One silver lining incurred by the coronavirus pandemic is the catalysing effect it has had on many people’s attitudes towards the environment and how their own daily habits can impact upon it. As well as prompting individuals to reassess their daily routine, it has also encouraged governments to plough a more sustainable furrow.

The UAE is a case in point. At present, the country is forced t...

How can Airlines promote SUSTAINABILITY?

05 November 2020

Enviro Chat

Globally, the aviation industry is responsible for approximately 2% of all anthropogenic carbon emissions, meaning its environmental footprint is not a negligible one. However, airline companies have become increasingly conscious of the role they must play in curbing their emissions and helping to care for our ailing planet.

Etihad Airways, the UAE-based airline, are leading by example in th...

Are the UAE COASTAL WATERS at risk?

02 November 2020

Enviro Chat

As one of the world’s busiest and most strategic maritime junctions, the Strait of Hormuz understandably sees a high amount of shipping traffic each and every day. This passage is integral not only to maintaining the Emirati economy, but also to ensuring that global supplies of oil remain adequate to meet demand.

However, there are downsides to such prolific activity. The vessel traffic caus...

How is the Arab Gulf driving towards RENEWABLES?

26 October 2020

Enviro Chat

While the Arab Gulf may be synonymous with fossil fuels, many countries in the region are making strides towards transitioning to cleaner forms of energy generation. Indeed, the renewables movement is gathering pace in the Middle East, even despite the economic struggles caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the falling prices of oil and gas.

That represents excellent news for a part of the...

UAE ENVIRONMENT ranks highly in world in WORLD RANKINGS

04 October 2020

Enviro Chat

The UAE has returned impressive results in the most recent edition of the Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness Yearbook for 2020. The Gulf nation came out top of the global pile in eight different environmental categories, including environmental laws, marine protected areas and sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions.

The news was announced by the Ministry of Climate Cha...

How is the UAE dealing with rising GROUNDWATER?

27 September 2020

Enviro Chat

Scientists from the UAE University (UAEU) are working alongside Abu Dhabi Municipality to find solutions to the emirate’s rising groundwater problem. Each year, the lowlands of Abu Dhabi can find themselves flooded underneath excess groundwater for as much as 10 months out of every 12.

Of course, the national capital is far from the only city in the Middle East that must grapple with similar...

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