17 May 2021

Enviro Chat

The Dubai Green Economy Initiative is a governmental scheme aimed at guaranteeing the country’s long-term financial stability whilst simultaneously protecting our environment. Operating under the slogan “A Green Economy for Sustainable Development”, the Initiative will focus on the development and implementation of new policies and programmes in a range of different sectors.

Agriculture, ene...

GREENER CLEANING products recommended for UAE schools

06 May 2021

Enviro Chat

A new study conducted by the Emirates Green Building Council has found that classrooms in a Dubai school contained concentrations of contaminants higher than those allowed by the legal limits as defined by the emirate’s Municipality. The cause of the pollution is thought to be the excessive use of cleaning products in an attempt to keep pupils and staff safe from coronavirus.

Additionally, t...

Can you make DRINKING WATER from AIR?

02 May 2021

Enviro Chat

It’s not called the staff of life for nothing! Water is the single most important resource that planet Earth has to offer, responsible for sustaining every type of lifeform upon it. But while most of our own drinking water is generally drawn from wells or springs, abstracted from the ground or purified in a treatment facility, a new technology has been developed which can pull it right out of t...

JAPAN’S COSMO backs ADNOC with Exploration Deal

28 March 2021

Enviro Chat

The state-owned oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has signalled its intention to continue expanding its production capacity and enhance its international partnerships by signing a deal with Japan’s Cosmo Energy Holdings Company last month.

Under the terms of the deal, Cosmo are granted permission to search for new offshore oil and gas fields in Emirati waters. The Japanese f...


24 March 2021

Enviro Chat

The UAE has traditionally relied upon fossil fuels for both its energy generation needs and its economic success. However, the country’s leaders are well aware that the dangers of climate change mean a transition to more sustainable forms of energy generation are likely to replace oil, gas and coal in the long run.

In recognition of that fact, the UAE has been diversifying its energy portfol...

What is the National Integrated ENERGY MODEL?

21 March 2021

Enviro Chat

The UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has announced the launch of its National Integrated Energy Model this month. Devised in collaboration with Khalifa University (KU) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the model aims to set out a roadmap for the country’s energy sector to follow over the coming half century.

As well as defining specific objectives and putting in...

UAE resident collects samples from the CHALLENGER DEEP

17 March 2021

Enviro Chat

Dubai-based explorer Hamish Harding broke new ground earlier this month, when he and his American counterpart Victor Vescovo plumbed the depths of the Mariana Trench in a two-person submersible. By traversing the entire length of the Challenger Deep, the pair set a new Guinness World Record for the longest distance travelled at full ocean depth.

Aside from making history, their mission was a...

How can Social Innovation improve WASTE MANAGEMENT?

03 March 2021

Enviro Chat

Plastic pollution has been a serious problem for countries all over the world for many years now. A difficult situation has only become worse in recent months, with the pandemic affecting waste generation in 2020 through the proliferation – and improper disposal – of the single-use face masks, gloves and gowns designed to curb its spread.

This is very much a global issue – but addressing it ...

Will ABU DHABI move to Clean Energy after the Pandemic?

23 February 2021

Enviro Chat

Abu Dhabi has kicked off 2021 with the announcement of a number of deals aimed at diversifying its energy generation portfolio and weening itself off fossil fuels. The initiatives were announced last month as part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, which, due to coronavirus complications, took place in a virtual capacity this year.

Among other avenues of research being pursued, the emirate is...

What is the UAE Environmental Policy?

24 January 2021

Enviro Chat

Last month, the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) announced the launch of the UAE Environmental Policy. The announcement was made by MOCCAE Minister Dr Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi via a virtual press briefing.

Agreed upon by the cabinet in November 2020, the policy is aimed at preserving precious ecosystems, promoting ecological products and services, supporting the country’...

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