Can Abu Dhabi Be a Climate Tech Hub?

19 August 2024

Enviro Chat

Abu Dhabi is seeking to position itself as a major promoter of climate-minded technology. The UAE has traditionally built its significant economic muscle from the vast reserves of fossil fuels found within its territory, and even today oil production contributes almost half (46%) of its economic output.

Nonetheless, authorities in the country in general and its capital in particular are look...

What Is Regenerative Farming?

12 August 2024

Enviro Chat

The agricultural industry is facing an enormous burden at the present time. Not only it is tasked with producing enough food for the world’s eight billion people – and the populace is expected to near 10 billion by 2050 – but it also must deal with the challenges of climate change, global warming and conserving biodiversity.

In order to overcome all of these daunting difficulties, it will be...

UAE Identifies 9 Key Biodiversity Areas

09 August 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE has announced that it has identified nine Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in the country. The announcement was made last month by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) and the areas in question were agreed upon after collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The designations should prove invaluable in safeguarding the environments o...

How Does Microalgae Improve the Environment?

01 August 2024

Enviro Chat

The natural world is under incredible pressure right now. The emission of greenhouse gases is polluting our airwaves and heating the global atmosphere, in turn contributing to an increased incidence of extreme weather events and inhospitable climates. Meanwhile, natural ecosystems and habitats are under threat from deforestation, aggressive farming practices and a host of other human activities...

How Did Abu Dhabi Mark World Environment Day 2024?

26 July 2024

Enviro Chat

Abu Dhabi authorities have marked World Environment Day 2024 with the launch of several initiatives geared towards restoring vegetation and enhancing sustainability across the emirate. The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) announced the raft of projects under the banner ‘Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience’.

Suffering as it does from an inhospitable climate, the Emira...

Why Is the Gulf Attracting Climate Tech Businesses?

28 June 2024

Enviro Chat

Historically speaking, the Arab Gulf has built its reputation and its riches from the massive reserves of oil and gas found beneath its terrain. However, global warming, climate change and an increased incidence of extreme weather events have made it clear that the human race must eventually transition away from fossil fuels to more sustainable sources of power.

This has led to a plethora of...

What Is Agritech?

21 June 2024

Enviro Chat

With the global population expected to near 10 billion by 2050, it’s clear that we are going to need to produce more food to feed these extra mouths. At the same time, the agricultural industry is beset by an array of different challenges, including climate change, air pollution, land management, resource depletion and biodiversity conservation.

With that in mind, agritech is set to play an ...

Can the UAE Reduce Ammonia’s Carbon Intensity?

10 June 2024

Enviro Chat

The UAE has taken a significant step forward in reducing the carbon intensity of ammonia produced in the country through the awarding of a construction contract for its low-carbon ammonia production plant in Abu Dhabi. The tender was won by Tecnimont, a subsidiary of the MAIRE Group, and work is expected to begin later this year.

Once operational in 2027, the plant will be capable of produci...

What is the UAE’s new policy on BIOFUELS?

07 June 2024

Enviro Chat

The Emirati government has announced its new policy on biofuels, revealing the details of the comprehensive strategy agreed upon by the UAE Cabinet in March. Among other headline objectives, the policy aims to ramp up consumption of biodiesel by 20% by 2050 in order to reduce emissions across a wide variety of industries.

What’s more, it’s hoped that the national policy will help to promote ...


27 May 2024

Enviro Chat

Beset by the myriad problems of global warming, climate change and a ballooning world population, the agricultural industry certainly has its work cut out for it in the years ahead. Thankfully, the impressive advances made in the fields of science and technology mean that it’s now possible to farm smarter and farm better.

One such encouraging development is the emergence of UAE-based Agritec...

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