OPEC cuts Oil Production to support prices

10 May 2020

Chem Chat

e Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its partners finally came to an historic agreement to slash oil production outputs by an unprecedented amount last month. The accord followed a lengthy stand-off between OPEC and nations such as Russia, who shared differing opinions on how best to control the slump in oil prices exacerbated by the spread of coronavirus.

Although the ...

UAE signs Oil Storage deal with JAPAN

03 March 2020

Chem Chat

The UAE and Japan have signed an energy cooperation deal, which will allow the state oil company of the Emirates (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, or ADNOC) to store significant amounts of the substance in Japanese storage facilities. In return, Japan will have first refusal on certain amounts of oil in the event that the country experiences shortages of its own.

The deal was signed by Dr Sul...

How is the UAE backing GRAPHENE?

16 February 2020

Chem Chat

First discovered in 2004, graphene is the strongest substance known to man. It is more efficient at conducting electricity than copper, one million times thinner than a single human hair in diameter and offers greater flexibility than rubber. Despite these incredible properties, scientists have spent the last decade and a half scratching their heads over what purpose to put graphene to.


How can CHEMICALS leak into Food?

02 February 2020

Chem Chat

We’ve been told often enough that we are what we eat – but the packaging in which our food is stored, heated and served might be equally important in determining how healthy or dangerous our diet is. As part of a new initiative geared towards raising awareness around chemicals leaching into food, the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) have launched a social media campaign....

UAE to introduce new Marine FUEL Regulations

16 January 2020

Chem Chat

The UAE has indicated that it will exercise leniency as new marine fuel regulations come into effect on January 1st 2020, causing oil tanker companies across the globe to breathe a sigh of relief. The announcement was made by the chairman of the UAE’s Federal Transport Authority (FTA) Abdullah Al Nuaimi, who intimated that the new rules would be enforced gradually.

The news is significant gi...

How does OPEC plan to boost OIL PRICES

08 January 2020

Chem Chat

The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is hoping to stabilise oil prices and safeguard them against a predicted supply glut by enforcing further production cuts among its members and other oil-producing nations. In December, OPEC announced it would be paring back oil production by an additional 500,000 barrels per day in an attempt to avoid a surplus of supplies on the mar...

UAE announces new OIL & GAS discoveries

19 December 2019

Chem Chat

The UAE has revealed that it has discovered substantial new reserves of oil and gas in the country. Already one of the leading producers of fossil fuels in the world, the discoveries have lifted the UAE into sixth place on the list of countries with the most oil and gas deposits, leapfrogging seventh-placed Kuwait.

The news was broken by the Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC), which acts as the...

How to work safely in a LAMINAR FLOW CABINET

17 December 2019

Chem Chat

Contamination by the Human Body

Aside from the ambient environment and dirty equipment, the human body is one of the greatest sources of contamination inside the laboratory. Although the operator is using the latest laminar flow cabinet, the product protection that it can provide is only as effective as the operator's proper working procedure.

The human body can generate from hundred thou...


15 December 2019

Chem Chat

With the world beset by a host of environmental problems, including global warming, food scarcity and dwindling resources, scientists have been researching new and inventive methods of agriculture for decades. One of these, hydroponics, may well be suited to increasing food independence in a location like the UAE.

Due to a climate that’s unfavourable for farming, the UAE has been forced to i...

BP interest in ADNOC projects

28 November 2019

Chem Chat

British Petroleum (BP) is considering investment into the new oil and petrochemicals projects of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), according to the former company’s UAE manager. BP already has a 10% stake in ADNOC LNG, which is the only producer of that type of gas in the country.

The news comes as ADNOC is reshuffling its corporate strategy in an effort to become completely self-suffi...

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